Duplicate Opening events on controls inside a MobileContainer on iOS

Feedback Case Number: https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues/69460

Please add some likes to this case to get it fixed. Right now in an iOS project and controls that are placed within a MobileContainer have their Opening event fired twice making it useless for doing control initialization!

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As a workaround couldn’t you set an internal _beenInitialized Boolean and ignore subsequent events? This is how I avoid Changed/Action events I don’t need that occur because of the framework design.

it’s the same also inside a screen

You could, but you’d have to do it for each control individually. Short of subclassing every control (and remembering to use the subclasses) this is a very annoying bug. Unfortunately it’s firing once per level, so if you have a button in a container that’s inside another container, you get three Opening events.