dtPlugins for iOS

Jean-Paul did a preview last week and this was incredibly promising. This is what Xojo iOS should have offered from the beginning. I’ll be happy to give my money to Jean-Paul once it’s released.

mmm, TocuhID :smiley:


Anyone else having a crash when loading the demo project?

No crash. But the StyledRun editor should have a “Back” button. As it stands, once there, one is stuck.

sieht gut aus bube :slight_smile:
tell me/us how to buy your ‘plugin’.

Where can I download the latest to test it?

Jean-Paul the dtMapView control crashes in the iOS Simulator. Is this supposed to only run on the device?


+1 purchased

Me too (+1)



Purchased !! as standard dtPlugin for mac !!

Really looking forward for this ! Thanks.

Where to download? The above dropbox is still the previous version.

@jean-paul devulder you should really start to update your website more frequently :wink:

Hi jean paul

can XOJO print direct to a default printer with out show the printers list

Bought. Great job Jean-Paul and good promotion !!!

Really weird website. You can download or buy but there is no information given on the site … so you go to the forum and the first thing you read is “It seems that most classes don’t work and there is no updates or activity on this forum?”
