Drag and drop - send event to parent container?

Hi all,
I’m trying to resolve a situation - if I have a container that accepts drag and drop (like the simple drag and drop example) - I drag an item in, drop - no problem.

now, I drag another item in and happen to drop it right on top of the previous item text label - program crashes. This also happens with the simple drag and drop example (Mojave, Safari, Xojo 2017r2.1). I figure what’s happening is the label that is in the container is receiving the dropped item even though it’s not set to receive a drop causing the system to crash. If I drop anywhere else, all is good, but right onto the existing label it crashes. Does anyone have a suggestion of the best way to pass the event to the parent?

Extra notes since I can’t edit my existing post at this point - in the web browser this error pops up:

Unhandled OutOfBoundsException


There are no arrays used in my test code at all, so this must be something within the javascript client side having a problem with what’s happening.

Well, as a work around what I’m doing is putting a text field in the container, setting it read only and with a style making the background transparent and no borders and use that to display the data within the container.

With that, I can drop the data anywhere in the container, even right on the text field and it is processed properly by the container so there is something funky with a web label that you can’t do that.