Drag and Drop in Listboxes on Windows

I am trying to setup a system to drag and drop multiple files (or all files within a folder) from one Listbox to another.
My code works on OS X with no problem, but when run in Windows, it does not.

Here is what I have under DragRow on one ListBox:

dim nRows, i as integer nRows=me.ListCount-1 for i=0 to nRows if me.Selected(i) then Drag.AddItem(0,0,20,4) dim f as FolderItem Dim vol As New FolderItem f = vol.GetRelative(me.RowTag(i)) Drag.Text=f.NativePath End if Next Return True

Here is what I have under DropObject on another listbox:

dim oFolderList() as FolderItem If obj.TextAvailable Then do dim f as FolderItem = GetFolderItem(obj.Text,FolderItem.PathTypeNative) if f.Directory then oFolderList.Append(f) while (UBound(oFolderList) >= 0) for x as integer = 1 to oFolderList(0).count dim f2 as FolderItem = oFolderList(0).TrueItem(x) if f2 = nil then Continue if f2.Exists = False then Continue if f2.Name = "." or f2.Name = ".." then Continue if f2.Directory then oFolderList.Append(f2) else dim txt as String = f2.NativePath if f2.NativePath.Lowercase.InStr(".dwg") <> 0 and f2.NativePath.Lowercase.InStr("bei_") = 0 then Me.AddRow(f2.NativePath) end if end if next x oFolderList.Remove(0) wend else Me.AddRow(obj.Text) end if loop until not obj.NextItem End If

Anyone have any ideas why this would work on a Mac and not on Windows?

I have not tried this on MAC, but…

  1. I persume you have set up…

FirstListbox.EnableDrag = true

  1. In the dragrow event, there is already an exsiting dragitem, so you do not need the drag.additem line for the first item.
    In my test here if you do something like…
  dim donefirst as boolean = false
  dim nRows, i as integer
  for i=0 to nRows
    if me.Selected(i) then
      if donefirst then Drag.AddItem(0,0,20,4)
      donefirst = true

then it works, if you don’t it fails.

Yes, I have the properties setup properly, but I even went back and checked.

When I do that, it only adds the first item, then stops working and it still doesn’t work on Windows, only on a Mac.

On windows, in my test prog, which has 2 single column listboxes…

Window Open event…

[code]dim atrow as integer
dim myfile as string

self.ListboxA.SelectionType = 1

myfile = “c:\temp\test1.tif”
self.ListboxA.AddRow myfile
atrow = self.ListboxA.LastIndex
self.ListboxA.RowTag(atrow) = myfile

myfile = “c:\temp\test2.tif”
self.ListboxA.AddRow myfile
atrow = self.ListboxA.LastIndex

self.ListboxA.RowTag(atrow) = myfile


self.ListboxA.EnableDrag = true[/code]

It works if I have

Drag.Text = me.RowTag(i)

to set the text in the DragRow event, but it fails to set f
if I use your,

f = vol.GetRelative(me.RowTag(i))

I’ve never used GetRelativeso I don’t know if this is where your problem lies -
but I don’t know what you have in the rowtag.
But the drag-drop of text works for both single and multile rows on Win.8.1 here ( Xojo 2013 r4.1 )

Hope this helps

Thank you, that got me on the right track at least. I am getting files (including paths) from the folderbrowser example, so I did need the getrelative.

What I had to was this:

[quote] dim DoneFirst as Boolean = False
dim nRows, i as integer
for i=0 to nRows
if me.Selected(i) then
dim f as FolderItem
Dim vol As New FolderItem
f = vol.GetRelative(me.RowTag(i))
dim txt as String = f.NativePath
if donefirst then Drag.AddItem(0,0,20,4)
donefirst = true
drag.Text = txt
End if
Return True[/quote]

So, a big thank you for your help, it definitely pointed me in the right direction.