I want to convert a Double to a String. The Double may hold an integer or a decimal number. I know I can convert a Double to a String with the Str function but I can’t work out how to prevent Xojo from converting it to scientific notation. For example, a large number like 4000056655665556 gets converted to "4.000057e+15". I want it to be converted to "4000056655665556".
I see in the language reference that you can pass a formatting string to the Str function but I’m not sure what format string to use that will convert a large number (such as 4000056655665556).
If it helps, what I’m actually doing is trying to create an array of each of the digits of the double (for example 12345 would become Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)). Not sure if there’s actually a better way to do this than using String functions.
OK. It looks like using an arbitrary long formatting string like ####################.#################### works for most numbers but the problem will persist if the number has more digits than hash symbols used in the formatting string. Im not sure if theres a better solution that just accepting that theres an arbitrary limit.
You could calculate the formatting string. Take the string and do a split on the decimal, get the length of the integer, the length of the decimal. The append that many hash symbols. I think that’d work.
I’ve just spent ages tinkering with this and have realised this issue
Here’s a rough sample that uses Hal’s suggestion to take a Double and return a String (without scientific notation):
Function DoubleToString(d As Double) As String
Dim s As String = Str(d)
If s.InStr(“e”) = 0 Then Return s
// Get the exponent, sign and coefficient
Dim e As String = s.Right(s.Len - s.InStr(“e”) - 1)
Dim sign As String = s.Mid(s.InStr(“e”) + 1, 1)
Dim coeff As String = s.Replace(“e” + sign + e, “”)
// Construct a format string to use with Xojo’s Str function that
// will correctly convert the passed double d to a decimal string
// (i.e: without scientific notation).
Dim numHashes As Integer = e.Val + 1
Dim f As String
For i As Integer = 1 to numHashes
f = f + “#”
Next i
f = f + “.”
For i As Integer = 1 to numHashes
f = f + “#”
Next i
// Now we can successfully convert the passed double to a decimal string.
Return Str(d, f)
End Function[/code]
Like Dave says though - it breaks down if the double is huge.