Does Combobox.AddSeparator work for anyone?
Docs say it should add an actual separator on Mac and a hyphen on Windows.
I get a hyphen on Mac. Am I missing something or is it broken?
Thanks, Joe
Does Combobox.AddSeparator work for anyone?
Docs say it should add an actual separator on Mac and a hyphen on Windows.
I get a hyphen on Mac. Am I missing something or is it broken?
Thanks, Joe
[quote=197406:@Joe Huber]Does Combobox.AddSeparator work for anyone?
Docs say it should add an actual separator on Mac and a hyphen on Windows.
I get a hyphen on Mac. Am I missing something or is it broken?[/quote]
Just tested a Carbon build in Xojo 2013R1, it does exactly the same. Could be a bug in the LR.
You can get a full separator in both Mac and Windows with horizontal line :
Or put that in a constant : ???
You will still have to add code to skip that option if the user selects it.
Hey Michel
Thanks for the confirmation and the clever workarounds!