In Windows 7 (not sure about 10 as my PC is down again) the earliest date one can set on a date object is the 1st of January 1601. Well, you can set an earlier date, but the 1st of Jan 1601 is what the date object will contain.
Bit difficult to enter the date when Columbus came to America (“It´s the first of January 1601
just subtract roughly 108 years from that and you should be right as rain
Does anyone have or know of a class that can do earlier dates?
FYI: The deprecated new framework handles historical dates:
Using Xojo.Core
Dim d As New Xojo.Core.Date(1492, 9, 12, Xojo.Core.TimeZone.Current)
Me.Text = d.ToText(Locale.Current, Date.FormatStyles.Long, Date.FormatStyles.None)
seems to work fine.
Your code works fine on windows 10, but the date is wrong. The correct date Columbus discovered America was 12 october 1492 and not september.
Could you try
[code]Dim d as new date
d.year = 1492
d.month = 10 = 12
me.text = d.LongDate[/code]
Thats the code which isnt working on Win 7
That code delivers the date 12 january 1601 as you also saw in windows 7.
I suppose that you all read that page in the documentation:
especially, the notice about Windows. It explains a lot.
Thanks. That’s what I thought.
[quote=388740:@Emile Schwarz]I suppose that you all read that page in the documentation:
especially, the notice about Windows. It explains a lot.[/quote]
Thanks, but yes, I know the problem (I submitted one of the original bug reports). The question is how to work around it. I might just use the new framework for this after all
and hope that they finally fix the bug, as it is obviously possible