I already miss it in a window from a current project because it is not in the Canvas auto-complete list in Xojo 2015r1. (not reported for a one year old version).
Now, I wanted to check something (that I do not remember) and so I fired Xojo 2016r1.1 and I do not found it, stop, take a glass of water with a touch of mint syrup
Then, I came back and watched once more the Language Reference
(off-line) and I still not found it. At last, when I clicked in the Canvas
entry, I found it.
Nothing special to report here you may say. BUT, when my glass of green water was empty I realized that Canvas.Invalidate
is in the list of entries boooo
There is another serie of
entries after
. To be complete, there are 11 Canvas
entries after WebCanvas.Shown
, then WebCanvas
. entries restart.
And one person from this list imply that I am slow ?
Some other may say that I am happy, iOS
entries may appears too ! BUT this is already the case.
I suspect a double alphabetical sort: the Canvas
entries are sort by Events
, By Properties
, by Methods
(read: Canvas
, iOSCanvas
, WebCanvas
BTW: I do not use iOS
nor Web
, but I do not complain about that: I complain about the way the help is displayed. Every help user is concerned, not just me.
If I type iOSCanvas
in the Language Reference Search
returns the iOSCanvas
just like WebCanvas
The display problem exists only with the good old Canvas