Selecting “Quit” from my apps Dock Menu no longer Quits. The other choices, “Hide”, “Show All Windows” still work, as does Selecting Quit from the MenuBar.
This started after adding menuitem “Quit Without Saving” to the MenuBar. I made it a QuitMenuItem at first but it didn’t appear next to the real Quit so I returned it’s super to just MenuItem and left it in the File menu for now.
I’ve tried toggling the real Quits super to MenuItem then back to QuitMenuItem with no affect. Also, the real Quits menuhandler isn’t implemented if that matters.
I’ve tried replicating the behavior in a new project but can’t. I know the MenuBars Quit item is different than the Docks one but this started after fiddling with QuitMenuItem, and if I go to the project before fiddling with that then the Docks Quit works fine.
Any ideas?