(Jay Menna)
July 14, 2016, 7:08pm
I need some ideas.
The Xojo community is always very good at that!
I have a web application.
I need to be able to have an on screen “Word processor”. ( and RTF web editor would be fine)
We would like to open up a template and find and replace a few fileds in the text.
Allow the user to edit it
Then force the results to a PDF file.
Can anyone suggest how I can
Prelaod an RTF “template” from a database
Add a button to extract the RTF and print it to PDF
(Norman P)
July 14, 2016, 7:17pm
Didn’t someone once upon a time wrap YUI or one of those editors in to a web custom control ?
There’s a coupe threads that reference it
Now its not RTF but there may be one of those editors that will permit RTF etc
The YUI one is in Example Projects.
HTML Edit for Web doesn’t use RTF it uses HTML, but it can get you up and going with formatted text editing. I’m not sure about the Web platform, but there is a user that uses MBS plugins to print a HTMLViewer with the result on Desktop.
HTML Edit uses a specifically friendlier interface, and unlike YUI and the other editors it does not need external resources.
(Tim Hare)
July 14, 2016, 8:06pm
Anything web related is going to use HTML, not RTF. Start with an HTML template and employ one of the available editors.
(Jay Menna)
July 14, 2016, 8:19pm
HMTL is actually better than RTF in my case.
Now the $1,000,000 question is the how to get the HTML to PDF
Heh, I googled it and there’s actually an online service for that o.O
(Jay Menna)
July 14, 2016, 8:52pm
Wow TIm. How did I miss that…looks promising.
I use wkhtmltopdf and i’m very satisfied.
You need to use a Shell command to call the program.
[quote=277351:@Marco Puppo]I use wkhtmltopdf and i’m very satisfied.
You need to use a Shell command to call the program.[/quote]
so do i for all my report needs
[quote=277257:@Tim Parnell]Heh, I googled it and there’s actually an online service for that o.O
how to use this with Xojo?