"Do....Loop" in SQLite.

I’m working on a loop. I think the Do…Loop method will be best, but I’m getting an error or two and I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong.

Here’s the loop code.

If C_S_DB.Connect Then

  sql = "SELECT id FROM addressbook"
  rs = C_S_DB.SQLSelect(sql)
Dim y As Integer
  If rs.Field("id").IntegerValue = 1000 Then
    Do y = 1000 + 1 
    Loop Until rs.Field("id").IntegerValue = y
    supidfield.text = Str(y)
  Elseif rs.Field("id").IntegerValue <> 1000 Then
    supidfield.text = Str(1000)
  End If
  MsgBox("Could not connect to the addressbook database")
End If

End If[/code]

The SQLite DB is called C_S_DB, the record set is rs, and sql is a property with type string. I’m trying to pull data (id) from a column in the table addressbook. The loop is being used to see if the value 1000 is in the DB. If 1000 is not in the id column, then “1000” will be inserted into a textfield called supidfield. However, when the database is searched and 1000 is found in the id column, it adds a 1, changing 1000 to 1001. The loop takes the new value (1001) and searches again to see if it is listed in the id column. If not, it inserts “1001” into a textfield called supidfield. This continues on and on, starting from 1000. It’s like a counter, starting from 1000.

With the code above I’m getting the error messages:

I’ve been using the Intro to Xojo Programming book, but I’m not sure how to fix the errors. Any suggestions?

you’re lacking fundamental database concepts. Your code doesn’t make any sense to me.
In order to show your ids commaseperated in supidfield.text use better this way:

while not rs.eof supidfield.text = supidfield.text + cstr(rs.field("id").IntegerValue) + ", " rs.MoveNext wend

   Do y = 1000 + 1 

incomplete statement, makes no sense

        Loop Until rs.Field("id").IntegerValue = y

record pointer never moves, therefore RS value remains unchanged (see rs.MoveNext)

Always fix syntax errors first then re-analyze the project. Frequently syntax errors will cause the compiler to throw other erroneous errors further down the code. In this case the Do y… line is broken, so the Loop has no do and also must be in error.

I adjusted the Do statement. Now the do statement looks like this:

Do y = 1000 + 1 Loop Until rs.Field("id").IntegerValue = y supidfield.text = Str(y)

This stops the error messages, and runs the program, but I still need to research MoveNext.

[quote=196511:@Tomas Jakobs]

while not rs.eof supidfield.text = supidfield.text + cstr(rs.field("id").IntegerValue) + ", " rs.MoveNext wend[/quote]
Where exactly would this go? I’m guessing it will replace these lines?

supidfield.text = Str(y)[/code] and [code]supidfield.text = Str(1000)

that is still going to be an infinite loop
Y will always be 1001
rs.field(“id”).integervalue will alway be the value of the current record

[quote=196526:@Kayla Gordon]I adjusted the Do statement. Now the do statement looks like this:

Do y = 1000 + 1 Loop Until rs.Field("id").IntegerValue = y supidfield.text = Str(y)

This stops the error messages, and runs the program, but I still need to research MoveNext.[/quote]
This always sets y = 1001
and never increments it beyond that

Given your description

you might do

  If  C_S_DB.Connect Then
      sql = "SELECT max(id) FROM addressbook"
      rs = C_S_DB.SQLSelect(sql)
     dim y as integer
     if rs =  nil then 
          break // double check the sql query as this SHOULD work and not give a nil record set
                    // unless the table doesn't exist or something ???
         // we got SOMETHING back but it could be empty
         if rs.eof then
               // EOF right away means its empty
              y = 1000
              y = rs.idxField(1).IntegerValue + 1
         end if
     end if

     supidfield.text = Str(y)
      MsgBox("Could not connect to the addressbook database")
  End If

Kayla please forgive me my question but what do you want to do with this loop and query? it seems to me that you just try to check any amount, right? So why don’t you not use COUNT(), SUM() or another math function in your SQL query?

@Dave S and @Norman Palardy , you’re right it never increments beyond that. I’ve been so stuck with this increment problem for a while now.

@Norman Palardy I’ll give your code a try.

[quote=196535:@Kayla Gordon]
@Norman Palardy I’ll give your code a try.[/quote]
While the code might work understanding why it does, or doesn’t do, what you indicated you wanted to do is fundamentally more important

No problem @Tomas Jakobs. I’m making a program where the user can either insert an ID number or click a button (Create ID No.) and one is created for them.

I’m starting the generated IDs with 1000 and up. I’m searching the database to make sure the user hasn’t already entered any id (1000 and up) into the database. If an ID is available (not in the DB), the id will appear in the text field to the left of the button. All of this is followed by clicking the save button which will store the new id, along with other information, into the DB.

@Norman Palardy The code works! It’s counting properly!!

It is starting with 1 instead of 1000, but it’s counting great (1, 2, 3, 4…) :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

SELECT * FROM <your table> WHERE ID="+str(y)

wouldn’t that do what you want? and a heck of alot faster?


SELECT MAX(ID) as next_id FROM <your table>

Kayla for these kind of tasks always keep in mind, what will happen to your user and query when there is already a huge amount of recordsets existing? Will you keep counting them up? Dave’s suggestion is pointing to the right direction.

If you’re looking for the first gap in a sequence so you don’t have holes in your id range you can do something like this:

select ifnull(min(a.id) + 1, 1000) from addressbook a left join addressbook b on b.id = a.id + 1 where b.id is null and a.id > 999

Note: The use of ifnull() assumes sqlite but other dbs usually have similar methods.

here a function I am using to get the next ID value of a recodset, may be it helps a little bit…

[code]Private Function GetNextIndex() As integer

dim result as Integer = 0
dim rs as recordset


rs = myCore.SQL("SELECT Identifier FROM AnyTable ORDER BY Identifier DESC LIMIT 1")

if rs <> nil then result = rs.Field("Identifier").IntegerValue

catch err as NilObjectException


end try

return result

End Function

The Class myCore is a set of often used methods and functions and looks like this. I am marshaling all my SQL queries through this single class so I can switch Connection/Database Type easily:

[code]Function SQL(CustomSQL as String) As RecordSet

if CustomSQL <> “” then

#pragma BackgroundTasks false

dim db as Database
dim rs as RecordSet

db = self.CreateDatabaseProvider

  If db.Connect then
    rs = db.SQLSelect(CustomSQL)
    rs = nil
  end if
catch err as NilObjectException
end try

return rs

#pragma BackgroundTasks true

end if
End Function[/code]

[code]Function CreateDatabaseProvider() As Database

#pragma BackgroundTasks false
dim db as Database


select case app.DatabaseEngine
case "ODBC"
  dim dbODBC as new ODBCDatabase
  dbODBC.DataSource = app.DBNAME
  dbODBC.UserName = app.DBUSER
  dbODBC.Password = app.DBPASSWORD
  db = dbODBC
case "MySQL"
  dim dbMySQL as new MySQLCommunityServer
  dbMySQL.host = app.DBHOST
  dbMySQL.databaseName = app.DBNAME
  dbMySQL.userName = app.DBUSER
  dbMySQL.Password = app.DBPASSWORD
  db = dbMySQL
case "SQLlite"
  dim dbSQLLite as new SQLiteDatabase
  dim FI as new FolderItem
  dbSQLLite.MultiUser = true
  FI = SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child("jakobssystems").Child(app.LOCAL_DBNAME)
  if FI <> nil then
    if FI.Exists = false then CreateLocalFile
    dbSQLLite.DatabaseFile = FI
    dbSQLLite.DatabaseFile = FI
  end if
  db = dbSQLLite
end select

catch err as NilObjectException


end try

#pragma BackgroundTasks true

return db

End Function[/code]

true… not ALL Database engines support MAX() in a SELECT statement

[quote=196547:@Scott Griffitts]If you’re looking for the first gap in a sequence so you don’t have holes in your id range you can do something like this:

select ifnull(min(a.id) + 1, 1000)
from addressbook a
left join addressbook b on b.id = a.id + 1
where b.id is null
and a.id > 999
Note: The use of ifnull() assumes sqlite but other dbs usually have similar methods.[/quote]

And if you’re just creating ID numbers. Let your db do it for you. Add a record and return the primary key. Makes life easier.