DMG Canvas 4 disk image Problem

I started macOS Sonoma on an external SSD then installed DMG Canvas 4 to sign and notarize my apps. But i have the following message:
“Unable to open disk image, operation could not be completed. Authorization refused.”
Support says it’s my system but only DMG Canvas is affected by this problem! and not my other apps.
Does anyone have a solution?

Did you copy DMG Canvas 4 to the applications folder before you tried running it? Not doing so could leave to problems. The first time you attempted this it would have requested permission for the application to access the drive. If you didn’t agree to that then this problem would occur.

Try looking in System Preferences / Privacy & Security / Files and Folders. See if the application is listed there and what you have allowed or not.

I did not copy DMG Canvas 4 into the Applications folder for the simple reason that the application’s DMG refuses to open! that’s precisely the problem. Maybe I need to repair the permissions of the DMG Canvas disk image (?). If anyone can offer me a solution…

I just received this response from the editor::
"I understand. It’s something that changed in macOS and it’s simply unknown what’s causing it at the moment. It’s not limited to DMG Canvas only. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer.

One thing you could do since you are having this problem (I can’t recreate the problem on my machines) is to build disk images in various configurations and see if it’s a specific configuration that is a factor."

Seth Willits
Araelium Group

What about booting on your standard boot disk and copy DMG Canvas 4 application to the external SSD Applications folder ?
Or copy it in the boot disk, then boot on the external Sonoma and copy it to Applications ?

Yes, that’s what I did. In this case, DMG Canvas launches but during notarization it temporarily creates a disk image, mounts it then unmounts it and at that moment it generates the same disk image error and the notarization fails.

So the software does not works on Sonoma ?

Have you tried DropDMG? I just did a new version of my app on Sonoma and except some hickups with AppWrapper everything went fine.

Sonoma bug. People said it was fixed in 14.1. Any confirmation?

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