distance sensor

I’m trying to set up code for my distance sensor which uses an ultrasonic sensor and 3 LEDs.

while true

dim noPin as integer=ReadSensor(4,18)

const GLEDPin= 17
const YLEDPin= 27
const RLEDPin= 22

if Distance >= 10 then
    GPIO.Pinmode( GLEDPin, GPIO.ON)
    GPIO.Pinmode( YLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
    GPIO.Pinmode( RLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
else if 10 > Distance > 6 then
    GPIO.Pinmode( GLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
    GPIO.Pinmode( YLEDPin, GPIO.ON)
    GPIO.Pinmode( RLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
else if Distance < 6 then
    GPIO.Pinmode( GLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
    GPIO.Pinmode( YLEDPin, GPIO.OFF)
    GPIO.Pinmode( RLEDPin, GPIO.ON)
end if


I realise xojo coding is a bit different than python and arduino. I’m trying to run this remotely on a raspberry pi. The only problem is the " else if " and " end if " codes. What needs to be done to correct it?

Hello Firas,

Please remove the space between Else and If. Here is an example.

Dim x as integer If True Then x = 0 ElseIf True Then x = 1 End If

edit: fixed spelling mistake