Dissapearing controls in enlarged container

My app enlarges a WebContainer when the user makes the browser window larger.

But when my app moves controls into the new space they vanish!
Setting control.visible = true doesn’t help, nor does changing their zindex. Likewise, WebContainer.show makes no difference.

Any clues as to how to get the moved controls to display in the new screen area?

A sample project would be really helpful. We also need to know what platform you’re running on and which browser and version you’re using.

[quote=209369:@Eric Wilson]My app enlarges a WebContainer when the user makes the browser window larger.

But when my app moves controls into the new space they vanish!
Setting control.visible = true doesn’t help, nor does changing their zindex. Likewise, WebContainer.show makes no difference.

Any clues as to how to get the moved controls to display in the new screen area?[/quote]

Chances are your controls are getting off the container displayable area. You want to check their left and top after the container is enlarged. Simply use System.Debuglog.

If it’s a TextField that disappears then try to set it as multi-line.

Greg, I’ve done a simple example project and it works fine - i.e. it won’t replicate the problem in my complex project.

So I will do a bit more work isolating the problem and get back to you.