Displaying a progress bar

How to display the progress bar inside a while loop in another window, I tried it but the progress bar is not working after finishing the loop only it started to run it, Pls help how to run the progress bar inside the loop.

Have a look at the example “UIThreadingWithTask”.

More information:


In the loop I have to call another window and run the progress bar, After the loop finishes only the progress bar starts in that window, I tried with the above ones not worked for me. How to load the progress bar in the windows page load itself…

1- crea una variable global de tipo integer
2- desde dentro del loop puedes indicarle que valor tiene la variable… siempre del 1 al 100
3- crea una ventana de tipo modal, con la barra de progreso y un timer. desde el timer lees el valor de la variable y lo colocas como valor de la barra de progreso
4- tambien desde dentro del timer, cuando la variable global haya llegado a 100 simplemente cierras la ventana que contiene la barra de progreso
espero que esta informacin te sea de utilidad

1- create a global variable of integer type
2- from inside the loop you can indicate the value of the variable… always from 1 to 100
3- create a modal window, with the progress bar and a timer. from the timer you read the value of the variable and place it as the value of the progress bar.
4- also from inside the timer, when the global variable has reached 100 you simply close the window containing the progress bar.
I hope this information is useful to you.

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