On Windows 10. I have one display, resolution is 3840 x 2140. When I do this:
Var c As Integer = DesktopDisplay.DisplayCount
Var h As Integer = DesktopDisplay.DisplayAt(0).Height
Var w As Integer = DesktopDisplay.DisplayAt(0).Width
Var s As Double = DesktopDisplay.DisplayAt(0).ScaleFactor
MessageBox("c: " + Str(c) + " w: " + Str(w) + " h: " + Str(h) + " s: " + Format(s,"###.##"))
I Get this:
I would expect that the scaling should not influence the resolution reported, but it looks like it does (nothing in the docs indicate this that I can see). Interestingly, the 2560 reported x 1.5 = the correct 3840, but this does not work with the width 1400 x 1.5 = 2100, not 2,140.
but this does not work with the width 1400 x 1.5 = 2100, not 2,140.
(You mean with here)
The Height of 2100, does not include the windows bar, it appears to be the actual you can use, AFAICT.
I didn’t mean available width, IIRC (on the Mac) there is a way to get the actual pixel dimensions of the panel (including it’s PPI), so I thought there might be something like that in the Xojo framework.
I sure wish there was, but I think that is what the display.width and .height is supposed to do. I suspect there is a bug when used on HDPI monitors when scaling is used.