I have a really simple application - a page with 6 text areas that are initially disabled.
Clicking the “Start” button enables those 6 text areas for 10 min - a built-in stop watch is counting time.
The stopwatch design is very simple - the “Start” button gets the StartTime as microseconds, calculates exact time to finish by adding 10 min to the StartTime, and keeps watching CurrentTime using a timer. When CurrentTime is larger or equal to the FinishTime, the stopwatch stops.
When the stopwatch stops, all 6 text areas become disabled.
The “Download” button reads text in all 6 text areas, compiles them into one text file, and then downloads it.
It is very simple and tested yesterday a dozen of times by me and 4 other people. It worked stable, the stopwatch was accurate, there were no problem with downloads.
This morning running this application by 13-15 people simultaneously was a disaster.
- Some people including myself could not run it at all.
- Other people had a very sluggish performance.
- Others’ had their stopwatch showing 6 min of lapsed time on the built-in stopwatch while actually 11 min had lapsed already
- Getting into my XOJO Cloud account I found a message that I did not have any apps on my XOJO server in San Francisco.
We are using this app for medical students to practice patient’s notes within 10 min time constraints. One of their board exam requires writing a patient’s note within 10 min, and it is quite a challenge for the students.
Again, yesterday it was working perfectly well.
Now, at 21:30 before going to bed I decided to give this app another try - THE SAME PROBLEM - browser cannot connect to the server
I start the XOJO project, go to the XOJO Cloud in the left bottom part of the IDE, and then click Show Statistics button in the Inspector.
Guess what?! Server San-Francisco: Request Timed Out. Contacting Server … this messages sits there indefinitely.
I could understand that server can run out of RAM when there are multiple users use it simultaneously. I tested the app before with 20 users using it at the same time - CPU usage was less than 1% and RAM usage was 24% - 26%.
Right now I am the only one who attempts to use it - and THE BROWSER CANNOT CONNECT TO THE SERVER!
It might get back to working in an hour or so, and then it will die again.
Jason recommended to restart the server from the XOJO Cloud account. I just have done it.
Restarting the server over and over again reminds me a glitchy Windows ME that used to freeze all the time and needed to be restarted every 30 min.
I have ended up returning back to the desktop version of this software which works like a clockwork.
I had high expectations for XOJO Cloud and have got so far only frustration and disappointment.