Dial Chart Plugin

I am trying to find a plugin that will allow me to display dials with different values. Something like the attached would be great. I want to create a web app so that the dials can be viewed on a web page. Thanks

If you’ve found a library you like for Web someone here can probably wrap it up in Xojo for you. Have you looked for existing javascript libraries?

You didn’t specify what platform(s) you need to support, but take a look at Chart Director


Thanks guys.

Douglas: The platform is for web but I am coding on a Mac. Chart Director doesnt appear to do what I want but also whilst I love Christians stuff I do find it has become very complex and difficult to work through the manual etc.

Jeff: Yes I like those.

Tim: The two I would like to use (a wrapper would be great) are:


Oops, completely read over the text that said this was for a web app. I was looking at which sub-forum it was in. Sorry…

guage.js would probably be easier because of: (and it has a nice license)

No images, no external CSS - pure canvas
No dependencies (jQuery is supported, but not required)

I had to create a half-donut chart like yours (I was using ChartDirector) and strained for days until I realised I could create a full donut in CD then place a while box over the bottom half! Works great in my Web App.

These are ChartDirector semicircle meters:

And a gauge, for what its worth: