DesktopTextField FocusReceived is not received

Xojo 2022R3
I am having a problem on Windows with DesktopTextField (Not Area) not being able to receive focus. On Mac I don’t have the problem. Yes that means in the debugger, I have a breakpoint set.

When I look in the LR under FocusReceived there is this line:

This property must be set to True for the DesktopUIControl to be capable of getting the focus.

I assume that refers to FocusRing, and which is yes in properties.
What could be blocking it from receiving Focus?

Edit: I have DesktopTextAreas which do have that ability

So. What I have done is changed the TextField to a TextArea. It can then receive focus, however keydown doesn’t fire.

It would be helpful to know:

  • What version of Windows?
  • What platform of Windows (x86 or ARM)?
  • Have you tried this in 2023r1.1 to see if it’s already fixed?
  • Have you tried it in older Xojo versions to see if it’s a regression?

What version of Windows?

Forgot. Windows 10 and current

What platform of Windows (x86 or ARM)?


Have you tried this in 2023r1.1 to see if it’s already fixed?

I didn’t renew my license and thought it expired. I am downloading more recent versions.

Have you tried it in older Xojo versions to see if it’s a regression?

I tried older versions both of my code and of Xojo as far back as I could go for installed XOJO Version 3 (I think I got that right) or XOJO or 2021r3.1.

I can’t remember when Version 3 started, but when I do I’ll install it.

I also tried using a straightup TextField, which also failed.

I also tried my built version and some of my DesktopTextFields worked properly, but the one which started this quest doesn’t work. That’s good but confusing news

Can you use Xojo2023r1.1 and try to create a sample project that replicates the issue?

I’ll try that with the current release when I download it.
My suspicion is it is caused by volume of code. I have over 3mb of code, but also have 20 windows.

When I’ve had issues like this, and I haven’t recently, I deleted the control and added a new one with a different name. Save the project, quit Xojo, and restart Xojo.

I hadn’t thought of that, maybe because when I tried a second TextField and it had the same problem.
I’ll try it.

Wow. I can make a small project fail

Here’s the link

Current version of XOJO

Ok, just to make sure, this only fails in Windows (not Mac), right?
If that is the case then someone with Windows will need to test your project (I don’t, sorry).

Yes. Only windows and i only have 10
I have not done Linux in a couple of years.

Just to be clear, it also fails if something else has the focus.

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