DesktopListbox There is more than one method with this name

Hi -

With that latest version of XOJO I did the “Analyst Project” and somethings came up as deprecated.
So I made the changes it suggested and ran the “Analyst Project” project again and now it tells me there are errors on the changes it suggested.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong here -

There is more than one method with this name but this does not match any of the available signatures.
GMEList.CellAlignmentat(x,0) = DesktopListBox.Alignments.Center //Listbox.Alignments.Center

There is more than one method with this name but this does not match any of the available signatures.
GMEList.ColumnSortDirectionAt(0) = DesktopListBox.SortDirections.Ascending


Is GMEList declared as a DesktopListbox?

Ah…no. Its super is just listbox. Well that might explain it… :thinking:

Changing that should fix the errors you got, but might provoke others.

Are you trying to move an app from API1 to API2 ?

That fixed that error but yep I now have a bunch of new ones.

Well guess I wasn’t thinking about going from AP1 to AP2. I was just curious to see what the “Analyze Project” had to say. It said I should use this, instead of what I was using. So I thought I would update it. Didn’t think it would be this much of an undertaking.


Cool good to know. thanks!

Well I’m getting there. Seem I missed typed something when I changed things which caused some of the errors… d’oh!