DesktopDateTimePicker ? I do not know!

I wanted to add the “User Define the date” and so I went to the documentaion. I found the iOS version, but I wanted the Desktop version.
Of course, DatePicker was/is not the name.
It tooks me time to find DesktopDateTimePicker…

And when I find it, I read:



Displays the date, time or both so the user can select a date/time value.


I suppose everybody know what to do, because from that description a newbie will ask here how to use it.

This is a simple feedback.

Now, the hard part: undderstanding without indication how to use it.

Use the SelectedDate property? Or the DateChanged event? Depending on how you want to interact with it.

Drag the DesktopDateTimePicker from the library to a Window. In the inspector you will find some properties like DisplayMode (DateAndTime, DateOnly, TimeOnly), Hour Mode… Other properties are e.g. MaximumDate, MinimumDate when you want to limit a date range. The SelectedDate property has the date in the DateTimePicker as a DateTime value…

Thank You Carlos. I do not looked there :frowning:

Sorry, I do not saw that it is a Control and I must drag it to the window.

My own DatePicker was a window and is now i a box in a storage area…

I built it following this example:

We are far away from this one.