Reading those statistics at the top of this thread, it once again made me think how little the importance of Windows is reflected in the last year’s efforts of Xojo (formerly Real Software). I give an example:
What I gain in speed of writing X-platform software with Xojo I probably loose again while working around all flaws and shortcomings of Xojo Windows programs. To decrease the unspeakable flicker I had a closer look on how certain MS Outlook versions behave on Windows 7. For instance when resizing Outlook, there is no life-resizing, but just a frame which is displayed during the drag. Same for splitters: just a rectangle area which is moved and only at the end the areas snap in to the new position.
In simple Windows programs we do not have to mimic such behavior, because the common suggestions for avoiding flicker will do it. But if we want to use PagePanels, ContainerControls and tons of controls in it - in complex applications - then we need to find a flicker-workaround. Otherwise users will simply not accept it.
Now, in Windows a User can set himself whether he wants life resize for all applications or not. In order to switch it on and off just for this Xojo Windows app, I’m using declares. In a Window resizing and resized event handler, I switch window life resize temporarily on or off, like this:
Sub LockWindowUpdateOn(Control as integer)
#if TargetWin32 then
Declare Sub LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Integer)
LockWindowUpdate Control
End Sub
Sub LockWindowUpdateOff()
#if TargetWin32 then
Declare Sub LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Integer)
LockWindowUpdate 0
End Sub
This is just one of the workarounds (Just an example, there is more involved and to do here).
It took me a lot of time and experimenting, just to find out that there IS a severe flicker problem with Xojo and Windows and that there are plenty of do’s and dont’s which were nowhere mentioned in marketing materials (of course) or in manuals or tutorials. You first have to run into the problem and then eventually find some hackish workarounds in the forums.
Which leads all the RAD, ‘rapid’ marketing yadayada ad absurdum.
And this has been like this for the past 5 years (and probably longer) and Windows remains neglected, despite of the fact that TODAY we have 90% of the desktops running Windows.
Well, I guess it is a business decision which just has to be accepted. But yes, in relation to Windows programs, I am disappointed with Xojo.