Hello all,
I’m wondering if anyone has made a canvas-based hierarchical (organization) chart for Desktop (and works well on Windows)
And if yes, if it could be somehow available, if it’s not part of an existing bundle.
GraffitiSuite has one, but it’s HTML Viewer-based. I’d like to avoid that.
Hi Nicholas, thanks a lot for the link, I guess it’s what I can’t download anymore from the older thread!
Unfortunately, I don’t have any apple devices, so no Apple ID, so no iCloud download is possible.
Is there another way to get it?
I’m seeing an Upload option as I’m typing this on the forum, for example. Otherwise I can PM you my email address.
you need few classes to hold the item (a card) into a hierarchy (node with nodes[ ])
then you need to calculate and store the screen position with few recursive helper methods.
once prepared the paint event just iterate over nodes and call as example .PaintItem(g, item)
because the canvas position was calculated it can also be used for mouse events.
if any data was changed the canvas just get a call to .Refresh and the Paint Event will come to draw all things again.
Thanks, I saw the example. It’s definitely going to be part of what I’ll be doing.
I’m generally lacking experience in canvas-drawing, I’ll have to review them in some depth for visualizations of that sort.