Designer for BKeeney Shorts reporting tool

Just one thing to say : great job. Thanks @Bob Keeney .

The person to really thank is @Peter Fargo. He did the real work. I’m just standing on the shoulders of giants. :slight_smile:

  1. I think I saw FTC folders in the demo video. Does bks make use of ftc and if yes, would it colide when ftc is already existing in a project?

  2. is there a built-in way to allow a user to run a pre-defined report, but not to create or alter one?

  3. Localization: is bks prepared for localization, like already using dynamic constants for strings? If yes, how could one contribute with translations?

  1. Yes, it uses FTC. Yes, it would collide if it’s already existing. Just remove the FTC folders in the Shorts folder. I need to formalize instructions on this.

  2. The version I released yesterday has an example of this. So, yes.

  3. Not prepared for localization yet. I will add that to the list of things to do. Once I get the list of strings I’ll ask for some help in localizing.

For some reason, I don’t feel like working today. :wink: Congrats to the Chiefs and good luck next week. After baseball and now the football playoffs, this whole KC/HOU thing is getting old!

You are not the first to make that comparison. :slight_smile:

And to be fair, I don’t feel like working today either. Basking in the warm glow of a playoff win is fun.

Everyone is keeping me on my toes! Thank you for the positive response and for the new never ending list of work to do. :slight_smile:

One that I can knock out fairly quickly is localization (thanks to Arbed). I did that today and have it probably have 95% of the strings ready (and probably a few that shouldn’t be localized but we’ll fix those as we find them).

If anyone would like to help out in localization I would greatly appreciate it! Send me an email to support at bkeeney dot com and I will hook you up with the localization file.

Hi Bob,

Just watched the webinar:

The web report player looks great! Is that included in version 1.5.3?

No. Will be in 1.5.4. Tracking down some loose ends so I doubt it will be released this week. Then again, you never know. :slight_smile:

@Bob Keeney & company are beasts at cranking out releases… sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the new goodness coming from them.

Please Scott, never say that again. :slight_smile:

The response from the community has exceeded our expectations. This is a very good thing.

I’ve a question about the state of placing MBS Chart Director charts into a row on a report. I just viewed the Feb 2(?) webinar and it looks like it doesn’t work very easily. Has anything changed since then?

I’m guessing some workaround would be to create a temporary database that includes png picture files and then use that database to make the report, avoiding (I guess) the issue of Chardirector charts being made at runtime.

For example, I’m looking at a report showing radar charts for individual members of a sports team and each row should have some information and a small radar chart to the right.

What is giong to be my best course of action? Is this going to be better done via code?

For right now the best way to include a ChartDirector chart is to do it via code. We use this approach for several client applications.

Another possibility (I haven’t tried this), if you only have 1 chart you could save it to the Images directory using a constant name and have the report just use that image. Maybe not the most ideal way to do it but it should be doable.

I’ve been thinking about adding Charts (probably with ChartDirector) to Shorts but it’s way down on the priority list (for now).

Thanks, Bob, for the quick response.

Would you happen to have any example of including ChartDirector charts via code? I’m certainly not opposed to doing it that way.

Or what do you think about a temporary database containing the charts? I’d never have huge reports, maybe a few dozen athletes. So, I guess I could generate the charts and save them into a database with pre-defined tables …

Just want to make sure this will somehow work, before committing to buy later this summer. Though I’ll need it for a project without charts anyhow. So, looks like I’ll be getting it sooner or later))

Well, I don’t have a public example, but this is out of current project:

[code] // Create a XYChart
dim oChart as new CDXYChartMBS(iWidth, iHeight)
//Do all the stuff for the chart here

// Get the chart image
Dim p As Picture
p = oChart.makeChartPicture

//Create the Shorts Image Item
dim dScale as double = .75
dim oImageItem as new BKS_Shorts.ImageItem(p, me.kLeftMarginPt, iY, p.Width * dScale, p.Height * dScale)
oImageItem.Image = p
//Add to page
oPage.Append oImageItem[/code]

Thanks, that looks promising!