
In the manual, I see this:
" Library Dependencies
Similarly to permissions, your Library may make use of additional dependencies, which could even be other Libraries. These are added to the build.gradle file for the Library, but also need to be included in the main app.
You can add these dependencies using the Dependencies property on the Advanced Android Build Settings."

This is very vague.
I’ve used a couple of Declares from the AndroidDesignExtensions but I have no idea what to put in the Build | Android | Dependencies dialog.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

If you use the AndroidDesignExtensions you don’t need Dependencies.

Dependencies are useful, if you wanna extend your Xojo App with additional functionality which is not yet built-in into the Xojo Android Framework.

If you are not making Libraries (or advanced Declares) then you won’t need to worry about dependencies.

But what part is vague?

It’s very clear that there might be a need to put dependencies in.
But it’s not clear what these entries would look like. It might be obvious to people who also use Android Studio, but a couple of examples would help for people like myself who only installed Studio because it was a pre-requisite to run Xojo for Android.

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Excellent - thanks

Unless you are writing your own Libraries in Android Studio (or making advanced Declares), you don’t need to worry about manually adding any dependencies.

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Thanks Paul - appreciate you confirming this.