Delay in start of movie playing

Hi All.

I’ve got something going on with a program I have been working on that TOTALLY evades my attempts to nail down.

My screensaver program, that I have been working on, has a situation that goes as follows:

If I start my screensaver, and it has to ask for permissions (the first time running, for example) the program works perfectly. So I put the program into “Full Disk Access” and run it, it skips the first 5 or so seconds of the first video.

If I give it full disk access, and have a messagebox, as an example, pop up, so the user has to click it, the program always runs properly.

I have verified that the program is closed after it ends - either on its own - or I end it with Activity Monitor.

I’ve stepped through it, but can’t seem to find a reason for this to happen. I have even turned down timers to virutually nothing (250 ms) but it still happens.

Has anyone had this happen???


Ok… for some reason I can’t edit my previous post, so I am adding this little update.

If I use a MessageBox before the program starts, saying “Click to start”, the program ALWAYS seems to run perfectly; now I am really confused.


Is a forum configuration, after some time (1 hour I think) you can no longer edit your post.

You posted on the ‘General’ section, can you provide information on what platform are you working (Windows, Mac, Linux).

Can you provide a sample project? Maybe you can report this at with more details and a sample project.

Hi there.

Sorry for not adding pertinent information. So here it goes.
Running on a mac Sonoma.
Xojo version 2024r4

My project is kind of large. As to posting a sample, I’ll try to get something together.

Stay tuned.


Hi All.

Sorry for the delay in getting back on this.

When I was getting ready to talk with xojo, I re-created my program in another project (trying to keep any extraneous stuff from cluttering it.)

Now, for some reason, and I cannot explain why, the program runs perfectly.

The ONLY thing I can think of is I created the program in xojo2024 r3, and then, when the new release came, opened it with 3.1

Does that make sense?


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