definition of combobox autocomplete

Is there a definition of what can be expected from autocomplete in a combobox?
There isn’t one in the LR that I can find.
What i am interested in is if is only start with the first character or…
I wonder if it will autocomplete from after a Tab character.

Try by yourself.

To do that, change the Autocomplete setting for a ComboBox you populated and run.

Nothing to do excepted type some letters and you will see a proposition (one only) for your typed text.
Try and you will understand.

“Do … or do not. There is no try.”

Spoken, Master Yoda has.

On Mac it doesn’t autocomplete from a part of the text after whitespace.
No surprise. It won’ be difficult to implement since it’s built off an array.
What I am not Sure of is bringing the target row to the front, and even better showing a list of rows.

I checked on Xojo 2015r1 / El Capitan…

The ComboBox I checked was filled using data from a DataBase in a current project (I open for this purpose). I had many entries starting with "CMS " (without the quotes) and it displays one proposition “highlighted”. I stopped there and make the suggestion above.

I typed AAHJ and i get AAHJ (■■■. Accueil Héberg. Jeunes).

I do not understand your Mac statement. can you elaborate a bit ?

I typed in the word “noun” and was hoping for at least one of several entries to show that include that word.
Not one showed.
Here is the text which is 3 fields separated by tabs:

  1. autocomplete entries are NOT separated by tabs but by returns

  2. That is not autocomplete. That is “any line that contains”.

  3. you can do a different way but you have to program it yourself

P.S I’m pretty sure I saw something with a listbox in a custom drop down menu on the forum …

Probably this:


did you try to replace Tabs with spaces ?

What is the result ?

Edit: if you need the Tab as delimiter, you can replace the spaces with a Tab at “selection” (or Text use) time.

Thanks again Markus.

I use Join with the columns of the array which fills the combobox as a convenient means of getting space separation between items.
I’ll have to see if it is worthwhile to change.

Have a look here

You can pretty much make whatever you need by sub-classing controls. Here is a date picker I made by sub-classing a combobox.

And my customized combobox.

Thanks all. I think I can do this with keydown and nothing special.
I like the datepicker idea.