Default font

The system font on the phone (also iPad, etc) is SF Pro. There’s a problem with SF Pro in that the numbers are not all the same width. I’ve been using Verdana to display numeric data where things should line up. The problem is that selecting a different font is rather awkward.


  1. Provide a way to specify the fonts to be used in an app. This way one could rapidly select the desired font/size from a much smaller menu.
  2. Provide a way to change the default font.

I agree that changing font in the Inspector is incredibly awkward. Once I’ve got it set I usually duplicate a control instead of creating a new one to avoid the aggravation.

BTW, is your friend.

I think there is a way to change the default font for an entire app using declares to UITraitCollection.

But I have never used it so far.

I usually set the font in the opening event of each control or create a control subclass for that purpose.

I’ve used a separate screen for font selection. It’s a variation of the one from Xojo Examples /Platforms/iOS (“Available Fonts”), but I changed it so the font name uses the its own font so you can see what it looks like.

I set this font as preference for the rest of the app.