Date.TotalSeconds Epoch for Windows and Linux

Since the Epoch for Mac OS is 12:00AM, January 1, 1904, and THAT is based on some mystical date chosen by Steve Jobs. What do we need to use for Windows and Linux as the Epoch so that I know the difference between the Xojo definition of TotalSeconds and the Linux or Windows version?

I know that we need to add 2082819600 to the TotalSeconds in Mac OS to get something that agrees with the Unix Epoch, but what about Linux and Windows since there’s a difference in the way the Epoch is handled.

Actually nothing mystical about it at all… 1904 was the first leap year of the 20th century.
Windows and Linux use Jan 1st 1970 if I recall

of course you can test this in about 3 lines of code on each target

dim d as new date
d.totalseconds = 0

Windows & Linux use the same Mac Epoch

Or read the documentation where its stated

Then something else is going on because I get three different date conversions for the same totalseconds value.

@Dave S - I did some deep digging in the general realm and it’s actually 1904 for Mac OS, 1970 for Unix, and 1601 for Windows.

Same set up for the gmtoffsets etc ?

That would affect results if not

This wiki explains date/time differences in different systems and programming languages: