How can I sum a date with some amount of days?
I have a date in a string variable like “01/03/16” (DD/MM/YY), and I’d like to sum with 25 days or 45 days or 30 days. What I should do?
Thanks in advance,
How can I sum a date with some amount of days?
I have a date in a string variable like “01/03/16” (DD/MM/YY), and I’d like to sum with 25 days or 45 days or 30 days. What I should do?
Thanks in advance,
Reading the Lang Ref in regards to the Date Object type would have pointed you in the proper direction
dim dt as new date
dt.sqldate="2016-01-03" // or 45 or 30
[quote=248613:@ALEXANDRE SANGALO]How can I sum a date with some amount of days?
I have a date in a string variable like “01/03/16” (DD/MM/YY), and I’d like to sum with 25 days or 45 days or 30 days. What I should do?
Thanks in advance,
In addition to Dave’s answer (which was absolutely spot on) the new Xojo.Core.Date class object has a few nice new features for adding dates using the Xojo.Core.DateInterval.
This example is from the LR:
Using Xojo.Core
Dim twoMonths As New DateInterval
twoMonths.Months = 2 ' 2 month interval
' Get date two months from today
Dim future As Date = Date.Now + twoMonths
Just to have as another option since I just learned of this operator a few weeks ago.
Thanks a lot to everybody!