Database file doesn't exist in the specified location

Okay, I’m sure I’m missing something really, really basic here, but here goes…

I made a SQLiteDatabase for my Web app but for some reason (again, probably something obvious) I cannot get it to connect. Right now I’m just using the example code given in the Xojo docs to try to attempt to connect, but when I run the Web program I get “Database file doesn’t exist in the specified location.”

The database is in the same folder as the app. I tried making a test.sqlite database from within Xojo just to see if that was the issue, and it throws up the same error.

This is the code I’m using - It’s straight from the Xojo docs. It’s currently in the Session Open Event Handler.

Var db As New SQLiteDatabase db.DatabaseFile = New FolderItem("test.sqlite") Try db.Connect // proceed with database operations here.. Catch error As DatabaseException MessageBox("The database couldn't be opened. Error: " + error.Message) Return End Try

Built app or debug mode? In debug mode - hit Run from the IDE - it isn’t running in the same folder as the app. You may need something like

if DebugBuild then
   db.DatabaseFile = New Folderitem("").Parent.Child("test.sqlite")
  db.DatabaseFile = New FolderItem("test.sqlite")

Thank you for the help (and yes, debug mode). That throws up a Syntax error on:

   db.DatabaseFile = New Folderitem("").Parent.Child("test.sqlite")

I’m sure I’m doing something incredibly stupid, but this is happening even in an empty app with just the database added in, but in desktop and web app.

I have the app and the database both in the same folder.

Maybe I need to go back to the example projects and figure out where I went wrong.

Sorry, forum code, not tested. Try

if DebugBuild then
   db.DatabaseFile = New Folderitem("")
   db.DatabaseFile = db.DatabaseFile.Parent.Child("test.sqlite")
  db.DatabaseFile = New FolderItem("test.sqlite")

Again, untested, but syntax should be correct.

Alternately, you could run the program via Project -> Run Paused and copy the database file into the debug directory before resuming.

Or make a build step that copies the file in.

You will typically want to use a copy files build step to copy your existing database to the debug build folder see for more information.

Alternatively you might want to create or connect to a database file in your code. This is a typical Session.Open event handler:

[code]Sub Open() Handles Open
db = New SQLiteDatabase

db.DatabaseFile = App.ExecutableFile.Parent.Child(“test.sqlite”)

If db.DatabaseFile.Exists Then ’ Connect to the existing database
If db.Connect = False Then
// Couldn’t connect to the database file
End If
Else ’ Create a new database
If db.CreateDatabase = False Then
// Couldn’t create the database file
End If

// Use DDL (Data Definition Language) to create your tables & views here.

End If

// Continue processing
End Sub

Where db is a property of Session

Public Property db as SQLiteDatabase

Thank you Wayne, I’ll check that tomorrow.

Golden Rule:
NEVER keep a file you want to update ‘next to’ the app.

1/ Thats not the same location for debug/release
2/ Somebody might move your app but not the data
3/ Most OS won’t let you write to a file in the program directory without very elevated permissions.

Create a folder for your app in a ‘good’ writable location
Specialfolder.ApplicationData is best, but Specialfolder.documents is also a possibility.
If you do that, your app will always be able to find the data, and it will be able to amend it.

Thank you, everyone. The solution ended up being to move the database to the Application Support folder and calling it through SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child

I also had a couple methods that were in the wrong place.

This is my first crack at a web app, and some of the ways it works differently are throwing me. I learned a few things here, but mostly I learned not to code when I’m also grading a 9 weeks worth of late assignments. :smiley: