dash docset

Paul & Company,

have you made the new iOS docs available as a dash docset like you have the desktop/we docs? I would really appreciate the docs in that format.

Thanks! and congrats on the iOS launch

We didn’t create the Dash DocSets, so I’m not really sure what is involved with that.

The Desktop/WE docset was made by @Garry Pettet.

[Announcement] Offline Xojo Docset for Dash (Mac-only)

my bad. I thought you guys had.

[quote=151605:@Paul Sondervan]The Desktop/WE docset was made by @Garry Pettet.

[Announcement] Offline Xojo Docset for Dash (Mac-only)[/quote]

hmm that is good to know.

I’ll probably have to help Gary update since it now essentially has 2 completely different source sets in one database & it may need some tweaks to the dash docset creator

Why not just make another Dash data set… Xojo iOS ?

The docset is created from the local lr which now contains the docs from documentation.xojo.com and now also xojo.helpdocsonline.com

Just reviving this, I would to see the iOS Xojo help docs in Dash. I keep Dash up on another screen in heavy sessions as I can flip between multiple stuff easily. Is this heavy lifting to convert?

The steps are described in the Dash Docset Generation Guide, but I haven’t had a chance to look into it.

If anyone wants to give it a go, get in touch (paul@xojo.com) and I can provide you with some raw HTML data of the new docs.

I think the original Dash stuff was done by a Xojo user and based on the SQLite DB that Xojo uses for the local LR, so that might also be an option.

Thanks, Sounds like a rabbit hole I would normally dive down, but my bucket is overflowing right now! I may take a good peek and see though :slight_smile: