Darkmode and colors

g.forecolor = colorgroup.namedColor( "labelColor" )

Returned the light themed color even when in dark mode. i.e. A dark text color, instead of the light grey it should have been.

Resorting to using declares works as expected.

Which illustrates that Xojo is not handling Apple’s dynamic colors correctly.

Another example is using a declares to set text colors of a label, or the background in the Open event of a control works, with no need to update the colors when the Theme changes.

With pure Xojo you need to do this manually and as Xojo doesn’t expose the appearanceChanged events of NSViews, you must do it all from the appearanceChanged event of the App class. Even then, rasterizing the color can be wrong.

These are all things that wouldn’t be a problem if Xojo had someone dedicated to working on the Mac platform and the intention of keeping their framework up to date.

This is not a dig against you @Greg_O, It’s an illustration that Xojo’s priorities have hurt its capabilities, and made things that should be simple, more difficult than needed. But I can say that until I’m blue in the face and it won’t change a thing.

Edit: Here’s another post where I point out the complications of trying to build native Mac apps with Xojo’s framework, and have had to resort to declares.