Custom Analog Clock


Here customizable analog clock class demo I’m working on. Not sure how useful this is or what I’m going to do with it yet, but so far seems pretty cool. :sunglasses:

Being its a demo it will only work from the IDE. Has been tested on Mac OS 13 and
Windows 10.

Don’t have the documentation yet, but its pretty straight forward with options in the IDE

Screen shot- (18.9 KB)


Ok I’ve decided to release this as donationware. So if you use this please consider making a donation, there is a PayPal link on the page. Also I do ask that if you use this that you give credit to me in your about window(if you have one), documentation, website, etc… Thanks! :sunglasses:

*It will now work in built apps. Demo restriction removed.

Download: ClockFace

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nope, not removed :slight_smile:

Grabbed wrong files when I zipped it. I uploaded the correct ones. Same link.

Sorry about that.

Was looking for a clock option on a Rasp Pi5 project I am working on and this looked interesting. So I included this into a project but it failed to work. Not certain what is happening but this interferes with container bevel button actions.

I did isolate to whenever I dropped in a ClockFace# verses the ClockFace DesktopCanvas. Meaning that when only the DesktopCanvas is brought into the project the containers and PB controls function.

When I drop in a ClockFace# those BBs fail to work

Here is a link to Analog_Clock_Demo_PBs project that will demonstrate which will be good for one week.
Bevel Button demo with BBs and container

Interested in learning if I did something wrong or what you find.

Unfortunately I don’t have a Rasp Pi or any linux OS so I am not able to test for that. I’m only able to test on Mac and Windows.

I’m not sure what the issue could be. Perhaps there some sort of conflict with it and the MainPanel, Menu_Container and/or Rasp Pi5?

I did try your demo on my Mac, buttons didn’t do any thing, so I added Messagebox(“clicked”) to one for testing and ran it. Clicked message popped when I click on one of those buttons.

The forum supports file uploads now :slight_smile: (27.5 KB)

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I feel bad. In this demo you need to change MainScreen.MainPanel.SelectedPanelIndex = # of the next Page Panel to display.

So I am back looking at my code to see what’s preventing this from working. Sorry about that

You do have every MouseUp event handler setting the SelectedPanelndex to 0, which is your main menu.

Yes - I just saw that - my bad

The same setup in my application fails. Difference is 11 containers in 11 page panels and a bunch more other stuff. Not certain what’s happening but will continue to look

Okay I think I checked to ensure no false flag this time. The problem appears to be on Rasp Pi5 which uses an ARM Linux. I do not know if this is true of older RaspPis. The app works on MAC OSX and Windows 10-11 (Parallels) but fails on RaspPi using the following OS.

Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Kernel: Linux 6.6.62+rpt-rpi-2712
Architecture: arm64

Testing used XOJO remote for all OSs except for MAC OSX Sequoia 15.2

This download is the XOJO binary project (31.3 KB)

This link to our secure external file service (file is larger than 4Mb) is a screen recording of what happens on a Rasp Pi5.

It appears this is specific the RaspPi5 using the ARM OS.