CurveShapes round off corners

Please see sample project:

I have an array of CurveShapes and I’d like to round off the corners.
Maybe anyone already implemented something like this or has an algorithm for this?


Thanks but unfortunately I couldn’t find such a function I asked for in your project.

when the width of the lines is larger
The ugly angular gaps arise at the starting points
these can be filled with an oval

g.DrawingColor = Color.White
g.FillRectangle 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height

g.DrawingColor = Color.Red

For Each c As clsCurveShape In Elements
g.DrawingColor = Color.Red
DrawCurveShape g, c

g.DrawingColor =
g.filloval(c. X-15,c. y-15,30,30)


Thanks for your help but I’m afraid you misunderstood me :wink:.
Maybe my description wasn’t very clear.
I was looking for something that turns straight lines into smooth bezier curves:

Meanwhile I found a solution on my own.
If anyone is interested:

Private Sub RoundCurves(elements() As CurveShape)
  Const kPi As Double = 3.14159265
  Const round As Double = 5.0
  ' --- Kurven abrunden ---
  If elements = Nil Then Return
  ReDim mPoints(-1)
  Var lastAnchor1, lastAnchor2 As Pair
  For i As Integer = 0 To elements.Ubound
    ' --- Abbrechen falls der übernächste Eintrag OOB wäre ---
    If i + 1 > elements.Ubound Then Exit For
    ' --- Punkte definieren ---
    Var curElement As CurveShape = elements(i)
    Var nextElement As CurveShape = elements(i + 1)
    ' --- Winkel mit imaginärer Linie zu übernächstem Punkt berechnen ---
    Var dirX As Double = nextElement.X2 - curElement.X
    Var dirY As Double = nextElement.Y2 - curElement.Y
    ' --- Länge der Linie berechnen ---
    Var distance As Double = Sqrt(Pow(dirX, 2) + Pow(dirY, 2))
    ' --- Unit-Vektor ---
    Var unitX As Double = dirX / distance
    Var unitY As Double = dirY / distance
    ' --- Normals ---
    Var normal1 As Pair = -unitY : unitX
    Var normal2 As PAir = unitY : -unitX
    ' --- Winkel für Ankerpunkte ---
    Var angle1 As Double = ATan2(normal1.Right, normal1.Left) + kPi / 2
    Var angle2 As Double = ATan2(normal2.Right, normal2.Left) + kPi / 2
    ' --- Ankerpunkte berechnen ---
    Var anchor1X As Double = curElement.X2 + Cos(angle1) * (distance / round)
    Var anchor1Y As Double = curElement.Y2 + Sin(angle1) * (distance / round)
    Var anchor2X As Double = curElement.X2 + Cos(angle2) * (distance / round)
    Var anchor2Y As Double = curElement.Y2 + Sin(angle2) * (distance / round)
    Var anchor1 As Pair = anchor1X : anchor1Y
    Var anchor2 As Pair = anchor2X : anchor2Y
    ' --- Ankerpunkte setzen ---
    mPoints.Append anchor1
    mPoints.Append anchor2
    Select Case True
    Case i = 0
      curElement.ControlX(0) = curElement.X
      curElement.ControlY(0) = curElement.Y
      curElement.ControlX(1) = anchor1.Left
      curElement.ControlY(1) = anchor1.Right
    Case Else
      curElement.ControlX(0) = lastAnchor2.Left
      curElement.ControlY(0) = lastAnchor2.Right
      curElement.ControlX(1) = anchor1.Left
      curElement.ControlY(1) = anchor1.Right
      ' --- Ggf. letztes Element berücksichtigen ---
      If i = elements.Ubound - 1 Then
        nextElement.ControlX(0) = anchor2.Left
        nextElement.ControlY(0) = anchor2.Right
        nextElement.ControlX(1) = nextElement.X2
        nextElement.ControlY(1) = nextElement.Y2
      End If
    End Select
    ' --- Letzte Ankerpunkte merken ---
    lastAnchor1 = anchor1
    lastAnchor2 = anchor2
End Sub