I have seen several posts on FolderItem.CopyFileTo about different consequences per platform.
There is no current post and documentation doesn’t reflect exceptions.
Some posts say it moves everything under it, but only on certain platforms.
What is the current status per platform for Desktop Apps?
Basically, Mac copies a folder and its entire content, but Windows does not (and probably LInux too).
The LR is pretty helpful as it contains a method to go around that limitation:
Thanks Michel.
I wanted to make sure, since the Windows OS makes it look so easy.
I did find and add the recommended method. Haven’t tested it yet.
Do you use MBS Plugins?
We do have WindowsFileCopyMBS class for Mac and MacFileOperationMBS class for Windows.
There you can copy with progress events.
Also NSFileManagerMBS has copy methods for Mac.
Sweet. I haven’t started, as I can usually make a work-around, but this sounds like I need to add it.