How can I create a PDF using the Web 2.0 Framework?
I don’t want to use any addons or plugins.
Hi @Mario_Schweda,
Var d As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = d.Graphics
// Start doing your stuff on "g" using the usual Graphics methods & properties
There are several PDFDocument project examples included with Xojo.
Hi @Javier_Menendez ,
does this work for a Web Project, too?
I’ve tried one of the examples and it shows me an error: FunctionNotFoundExceltion
PDFDocument requires Pengo Lib to be installed on Linux.
It’s running on Ubuntu.
Ah, yes… in that case you need to install that libraries on Linux.
allrighty then…
It was completely my fault.
I had to apt-get install libpango-1.0-0 on my container.
Now it’s working fine.
Thanks for your help.
Off the cuff, does anyone know if all needed libraries are already installed on XOJO Cloud, for .PDF generation?
Xojo Cloud servers are supposed to be ready to go, but to be honest I have seen one thread where the problem was libpango was missing. Jason is on it fast though and they will get you situated!
The other option is my app Lifeboat, which will install all the necessary libraries during setup I’m available for support with my apps of course.
Your link has 1 r to many (404 currently)
Edit: link is fixed
Thanks for the notice! The link has been fixed