Creating Multiple Tables in a SQLite Database

For whatever reason I’m having a ton of trouble creating multiple tables in a SQLite database.
I’ve tried two methods, tons of changes to the query string, nothing works.

Method 1:

database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentSettings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT, value TEXT);") database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentCategories (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, name TEXT);") database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentData (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, category INTEGER, question TEXT, shortAnswer TEXT, longAnswer TEXT);")

Method 2:

database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentSettings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT, value TEXT); CREATE TABLE documentCategories (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, name TEXT); CREATE TABLE documentData (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, category INTEGER, question TEXT, shortAnswer TEXT, longAnswer TEXT);")

When I backup and read the database I get only the first table, documentSettings.
If I take out the CREATE TABLE for documentSettings I get nothing useful for the backup. I think it’s dummy text I get actually.

Been thinking too hard for too long, does anyone have any insight?

Are you committing somewhere? I’m pretty sure if you don’t commit at the end then you haven’t really finished creating the tables.

What happens if you do:

database.SQLExecute("BEGIN TRANSACTION") database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentSettings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT, value TEXT);") database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentCategories (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, name TEXT);") database.SQLExecute("CREATE TABLE documentData (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, order INTEGER, category INTEGER, question TEXT, shortAnswer TEXT, longAnswer TEXT);") If Not database.Error Then database.Commit() Else // Log database.ErrorMessage End If

After a SQLExecute, you should always check for Error and, if true, the ErrorMessage. In this case it would have reported a syntax error near “order”. In other words, you can’t use “order” as a field name. Choose something else and it works fine.

You guys are absolutely right, I need to be error checking. I was just so tired of trying to find a data storage method that I suppose I skipped over error checking.

Anywhoo, Kem was right - naming a column “order” was the problem. Changed it to sortOrder and everything’s happy now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help!