Creating Forms Programmatically


We use React at the moment for one of our main apps.
All the files are text files which play nicely with git.

Can form be created from text files in XOJO and
how does XOJO deal with forms and git?


Keith John Hutchison

With a licence you can save your project as text files and push it to git. If you don’t have already a licence your project is saved as a bundle file and this not compatible with git

As individual files - hopefully.

Does this mean we can create text files for forms and import them?

If this means WIndow, you create Windows using drag and drop in the IDE or in code, something like:
Var w As New Window…

and yes, individual text files (what a mess, so many files in the project folder)…

Typically a windows text file looks like this

#tag DesktopWindow
Begin DesktopWindow ThirdWindow
   Backdrop        =   0
   BackgroundColor =   &cFFFFFF
   Composite       =   False
   DefaultLocation =   2
   FullScreen      =   False
   HasBackgroundColor=   False
   HasCloseButton  =   True
   HasFullScreenButton=   False
   HasMaximizeButton=   True
   HasMinimizeButton=   True
   Height          =   92
   ImplicitInstance=   True
   MacProcID       =   0
   MaximumHeight   =   124
   MaximumWidth    =   402
   MenuBar         =   ""
   MenuBarVisible  =   False
   MinimumHeight   =   124
   MinimumWidth    =   402
   Resizeable      =   True
   Title           =   "Untitled"
   Type            =   2
   Visible         =   True
   Width           =   402
   Begin DesktopLabel mLabel
      AllowAutoDeactivate=   True
      Bold            =   False
      Enabled         =   True
      FontName        =   "System"
      FontSize        =   0.0
      FontUnit        =   0
      Height          =   20
      Index           =   0
      Italic          =   False
      Left            =   20
      LockBottom      =   False
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   True
      LockRight       =   False
      LockTop         =   True
      Multiline       =   False
      Scope           =   0
      Selectable      =   False
      TabIndex        =   0
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      Text            =   "#App.kThird"
      TextAlignment   =   0
      TextColor       =   &c000000
      Tooltip         =   ""
      Top             =   20
      Transparent     =   False
      Underline       =   False
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   100
   Begin DesktopTextField NameTextField
      AllowAutoDeactivate=   True
      AllowFocusRing  =   True
      AllowSpellChecking=   False
      AllowTabs       =   False
      BackgroundColor =   &cFFFFFF
      Bold            =   False
      Enabled         =   True
      FontName        =   "System"
      FontSize        =   0.0
      FontUnit        =   0
      Format          =   ""
      HasBorder       =   True
      Height          =   22
      Hint            =   ""
      Index           =   -2147483648
      Italic          =   False
      Left            =   132
      LockBottom      =   False
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   True
      LockRight       =   True
      LockTop         =   True
      MaximumCharactersAllowed=   0
      Password        =   False
      ReadOnly        =   False
      Scope           =   0
      TabIndex        =   1
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      Text            =   ""
      TextAlignment   =   0
      TextColor       =   &c000000
      Tooltip         =   ""
      Top             =   20
      Transparent     =   False
      Underline       =   False
      ValidationMask  =   ""
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   250
   Begin DesktopButton OkButton
      AllowAutoDeactivate=   True
      Bold            =   False
      Cancel          =   False
      Caption         =   "OK"
      Default         =   True
      Enabled         =   True
      FontName        =   "System"
      FontSize        =   0.0
      FontUnit        =   0
      Height          =   20
      Index           =   -2147483648
      Italic          =   False
      Left            =   302
      LockBottom      =   True
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   False
      LockRight       =   True
      LockTop         =   False
      MacButtonStyle  =   0
      Scope           =   0
      TabIndex        =   3
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      Tooltip         =   "#App.kOk"
      Top             =   52
      Transparent     =   False
      Underline       =   False
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   80
   Begin DesktopButton CancelButton
      AllowAutoDeactivate=   True
      Bold            =   False
      Cancel          =   True
      Caption         =   "Cancel"
      Default         =   False
      Enabled         =   True
      FontName        =   "System"
      FontSize        =   0.0
      FontUnit        =   0
      Height          =   20
      Index           =   -2147483648
      Italic          =   False
      Left            =   210
      LockBottom      =   True
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   False
      LockRight       =   True
      LockTop         =   False
      MacButtonStyle  =   0
      Scope           =   0
      TabIndex        =   2
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      Tooltip         =   "#App.kCancel"
      Top             =   52
      Transparent     =   False
      Underline       =   False
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   80
#tag EndDesktopWindow
1 Like

Works well with git.

It is generally advised to not edit these files in a text editor. Use the IDE.