Creating DMG packages in Windows commandline

I’m in the process of writing build scripts for my compiled Xojo projects that automates the packaging of the binaries into install scripts.

Does anyone perhaps know of a free Windows command line tool that can be used to package files into DMG archives?

I was looking also and found:

Thanks Jeremy.

I also came across that link while searching for solutions. However it seems that none of the suggestions caters for the command-line. I need to be able to build the DMG from the command-line, since I want to automate the packaging of my application binaries for OS X, Windows and Linux with a single click.

Hmm, I’ll search some more and post it here if I find any other solutions.

Do you have access to an OSX box? If so, I wonder if some SSH scripting may be able to take care of it for you, for example hdiutil: … scp your app to your OS X box, do code signing there, package up a DMG and scp back the DMG?

Code signing I believe will be another hurdle looking for a Windows only solution.

BTW, I gave up on a single platform solution. For example, if on Windows, how do I make my DMG? How do I code sign? If on OS X, how do I make my InnoSetup Installer for Windows? I’m sure there are solutions to make it all work, but for me it was just easier to build on the two platforms that I currently support (Windows, OSX)…

Write the innoSetup script from osx is easy. Then you create the installer via Parallels (or similia) with the innoSetup App.
With an only script from the IDE I currently create the DMG for OSX and the installer exe for Win and push both for my autoUpdate routines

Yeah, I’ve got access to an OS X box that I use for testing. Will definitely look into hdiutil.

Thinking about it now, you make a good point that it might just be easiest to handle the packaging scripts separately on each platform for now. I’m new to OS X packaging, and perhaps once I’m more familiar with tools such as hdiutil I can relook at possible single click packaging scripts on Windows.

Thanks for the advice.

[quote=13670:@Antonio Rinaldi]Write the innoSetup script from osx is easy. Then you create the installer via Parallels (or similia) with the innoSetup App.
With an only script from the IDE I currently create the DMG for OSX and the installer exe for Win and push both for my autoUpdate routines[/quote]

I didn’t realize InnoSetup can be written from OS X (thought it could only be done on Windows). Will definitely look into your suggestion Antonio, thanks.