Creating a series of CheckBoxes

I need my application to read a coma delimited text file and create a series of correpsonding CheckBoxes.
Would you please give me directions how to do it?
Thank you

Personally I’d put a checkbox on a Container Control and add one each time I needed it. Others will say use a control array. Unless control arrays have changed in Xojo I wouldn’t use one, in RB they were hacks not true control arrays.

Ok I can’t figure out how to edit, when I said add one each time, I meant add a Container Control to the Window, not a checkbox to the Container.

You can edit your post until the next reply appears in the conversation, but the controls don’t always show up. You can force it by either refreshing, or going out to the topic list, then back again.

Is the number of checkboxes needed fixed, or will it vary from file to file, or even line to line?

[quote=15259:@VALERIY KOZMENKO]Hi,
I need my application to read a coma delimited text file and create a series of correpsonding CheckBoxes.
Would you please give me directions how to do it?
Thank you[/quote]

You might have a look on the old Realsoftware site:

This example is for buttons

Thank you guys

You can instantiate a ContainerControl subclass directly in code and then hook it into a window using EmbedWithin

dim cc As new MyContainerControl cc.EmbedWithin(self, 20, 20) //here self is the window, 20 20 is top left position

FYI: Control Arrays have been renamed to Control Sets in Xojo, because they were never really arrays.

Can someone point me to the control sets documentation?

This is a fairly easy example to follow:
Procedure is the same, except they’re called Control Sets now.