there was a post in another channel about writing a Windows Screensaver in Xojo ( Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how to write one for Macs?
there was a post in another channel about writing a Windows Screensaver in Xojo ( Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how to write one for Macs?
This question leads to another:
beside getting nice images, are there any use of a screen scanner with the monitors we use nowadays ?
With crt monitors, there was one, and I saw it long, long time ago: the crt was burned by the Finder (empty) image on a Mac SE used as a file server because the screen was not dimmed (nor disabled)…
Hi Scott,
This same one works in Xojo
You have to modify to suit your needs, if you want my basic modification that will work as is please let me know. You can then build on that. Remember all credits go to Aaron Ballman.
[quote=175289:@scott boss]there was a post in another channel about writing a Windows Screensaver in Xojo ( Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how to write one for Macs?
It’d be a hack because of how screen savers work
you’d still need, at the very least, a stub in Xcode that then launches your xojo app that draws into the space set aside by your Xcode app
Did a proof of concept about 7 years ago and I’m not sure if that will still work or not
[quote=175450:@Norman Palardy]It’d be a hack because of how screen savers work
you’d still need, at the very least, a stub in Xcode that then launches your xojo app that draws into the space set aside by your Xcode app Did a proof of concept about 7 years ago and I’m not sure if that will still work or not[/quote]
It’s not only theoretically possible, we made a commercial app using this technique:
It is, however, very very difficult to get it working properly.
My advice:
P.s. there is a long-standing feature request for Xojo to compile code bundles: <> It dates to 2008, so holding one’s breath may not be a wise strategy.
Though it would be really nice if Xojo could compile .dylibs, .screensaver and .preferencePanes bundles.
[quote=175313:@Emile Schwarz]beside getting nice images, are there any use of a screen scanner with the monitors we use nowadays ?
With crt monitors, there was one, and I saw it long, long time ago: the crt was burned by the Finder (empty) image on a Mac SE used as a file server because the screen was not dimmed (nor disabled)…[/quote]
Very recently I had the idea screensavers for flatscreens would still be no bad idea. I stopped a playback on my DVR last week and forget about it for an hour. The tv image was that of a SyFy channel trailer white background and high contrast typo. For about 10 minutes of playback I had ghost shadows of the typo on my tv flatscreen. When the movie stopped showing dark and rather unmoved pictures and changed to brighter, faster moving ones instead, the shadows disappeared. So yes: It seems to be true images don’t burn in on flatscreens, but under some circumstances they can appear for some time though.
My 2012 Retina Macbook Pro has the screen with bad ghosting problems - a screensaver definitely helps on this one.