Crash in design mode

I was changing the default name of a CheckBox of a project and Xojo disappeared (crash).

At relaunch time, I get my last saved project: two hours of work left (somewhere or lost).

Xojo IDE do not asked me if I wanted to load the unsaved changed project.

Is there still hope, or must re-design that window (and save it far more often)?

MacOS: latest
Xojo 2021r2.1 (for compatibility reasons)
MacBook Pro M1.

I remember that some versions failed to offer the unsaved changes.
And I think also depends if you run the project or not after started making changes.
I hope someone else has a better answer, but for me is that you must do the work again.

Thanks Alberto.L

I started to do the changes, then it crashed at the same “time” because I do the same mistake:

in the reference name of the CheckBox, I placed a space between two words and press Return when done (old workaround habits).

And this time, for some reason, I discovered the two projects in the Trash, my Trash !.

For the record.

BTW: I’ve made a Finder duplicate just before adding the CheckBoxes… :wink:

If that is a reproduce crash please add a feedback case for it.

For Xojo 2021r2.1 ?

I cannot install a current version to check if this is still occuring.

Why can’t you install a new version? Anyone can. You just can’t license it.

My test with the Mac version rejects a checkbox name with spaces in it, but that may differ with your usage.

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I can’t help you with the lost file - but you should get one of those free Mac Pomodoro menubar timer apps and set 10 or 15 minute timers to remind you to save.

Decades of working with Photoshop has made saving files so habitual it’s at the point where I never lose more than 5 minutes of work if it crashes.

This bug was fixed in 2024r1
The crash happens when it tries to display the popup message explaining why the name is invalid.

  • macOS: Fixed the Inspector tip crashing the IDE when it is shown under macOS Sonoma 14.3. (75351)
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Can any control have a name with spaces in it ?

Are going up to saving after each line/paragraph done?
I often do :wink:

Theoretically, no.

Because my hard disk is nearly full and I do not have SSD/HD available (on hand). They are deep in boxes somewhere as I am relocating…

Sometimes things are not as obvious as one may think. :frowning:

Fair enough.

This might be why xojo couldn’t save your work or recover it too…

Also, keep in mind that Xojo saves binary projects atomically, that is, it saves to another location and then attempts to do a safe replace of the original file. That means that you need at the very least twice as much space as your project consumes on disk to be able to save.

Not yet… I have 7GB of free space right now (after reboot). But it could be.

Night is a good thing… I got ideas for that window design I am adding to that project ! :wink:

Then you have space to test with a recent version of Xojo :wink:

To test, yes, but installing a recent version that is 3GB ?
I’d better buy a 1TB SSD (and I think I will do that tomorrow) for around 60€.

You actually just need to test once. Your Mac will still run with 4 GB left, as long as it’s just for a short period of testing the bug in the latest Xojo version.

OK, just for fun, I downloaded the current version for macOS (m1) and check its size:

Download start: 14H15 (France time)
Download end: 15H02

.dmg: 1.67GB
Xojo: 4.4GB (the folder in the dmg)

I am quite sure macOS will issue a warning message at copy time…

I thought I had a slow connection, but I’m reassured all is relative.

You wrote “3 GB” in your previous answer, so I answered with that in mind. I should’ve analysed what you wrote and remembering it was indeed more than 4 GB (which becomes more than half your remaining space), sorry about that.
And, as I’m accustomed to that myself, the worst part is that you must, at least shortly, have both the dmg and the expanded Xojo folder on your disk at the same time.

I know how small can an internal Mac disk be, especially when XCode is needed to be installed. I can’t suggest you enough to keep at least one external disk (should it be at the very least an USB key) for that kind of [temporary] tests/changes.