Copy to Web Clipboard

The documentation says that “Clipboard” is supported in all project types. However I’m getting an error “Can’t find a type with this name” when trying to use Clipboard in a Web Project. Thanks for any advice!

The docs are incorrect. Clipboard is certainly not available on console or web projects.


I’ve tried tinkering with ExecuteJavaScript and ‘navigator’, but without any success. Has anyone used JavaScript to accomplish this?

// non-successful example

It’s tricky. For security reasons, browsers won’t allow to access their clipboard API, unless the code trying to access it is executed as a result of direct user interaction, if I recall.

For example, pressing on a button will call the backend and it will receive the ExecuteJavascript code you’re trying to use. As it’s asynchronous, that’s not considered direct interaction :confused:

You can create a custom Web SDK button that executes that code directly, on the client side (I have an example if you want it)

Maybe others have more suggestions. :crossed_fingers:


Thanks Ricardo, I have yet to get into the Web SDK. Perhaps this is a good time to expand my skillset.

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Thanks, I’ll get someone to look into fixing this.

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Check this : How To Copy to Clipboard

HI Michel - I found that exact link earlier, and could not get it to work. :frowning:

You are right. It does not work on my Mac with the Try it code.

To be frank, though, I was surprised to find a JavaScript method.

There’s nothing to fix for Console. They don’t have access to those APIs.

Web is… troublesome. Support for clipboard different on just about every browser.

I guess she is talking about the documentation.

Yes, so it would seem. I will find a way to close this ticket with at least some amount of breadcrumbs for future explorers.