Hi All,
I have been a 4D Developer for decades. I have a cross-platform standalone application that relies upon a 4D plugin written in ‘C’. {For reasons beyond this thread… the app needs a new home for MacOS and Windows}
Before I can fully commit to XoJo I need to make sure that all the tools I will need are available.
I use the Swiss Ephemeris (SE) a ‘C’ software toolbox (high-precision ephemeris calculation engine) that provides astronomical data. Plus my own ‘C’ code uses SE. This is what is contained within the 4D plugin. I have it set for Xcode and Visual Studio. So I can recreate the plugin on demand.
Access to vector graphics to create the drawings and reports I need.
Keeping my UI the same as it is (or very close).
The first step is converting the 4D plugin code into a format that allows it to be compiled as XoJo plugin. Using Xcode on Mac and Visual Studio on Windows.
It has been recommended that set the code up so that calling into the library via a declare would be easier. But what does this mean? What format must the code be in? Is it a DyLib on Mac and DLL on windows?
I need help seeing how to structure this in Xcode and Visual Studio.
I may need a mentor.