Hey everyone,
I’m trying to connect two tables, but I’m not sure which method to choose. Here is my situation:
Step 1) Starting out, the user inputs information such as first and last name, and an ID number. They click the Save button and that information is stored in the database. This info is saved in Table 1 and displayed in Listbox1.
Step 2) Now the user has the option to add additional information for the person they just added in Step 1. By selecting that person’s name, the Add Address button will become enabled and that person’s address can be added and saved into the database. This is saved into Table2 and displayed in Listbox2 (below Listbox 1).
My Goal: After the user has completed Step 1 and Step 2, I want them to be able to browse the list of people (in List box1), click a person’s name, and then their address(es) will populate in Listbox2, below. Only the addresses belonging to the name selected will appear. I’m hoping to tie the person to the address, which is why selecting a person’s name from Listbox1 is mandatory for adding addresses.
I’ve considered the INNER JOIN command, but in my mind that means combining the information from Table1 and Table 2 to make a new table, Table 3. I just don’t know if that is the best approach for what I have in mind.
I have PKs set for both tables.
Does anyone have any advice to offer?