
Can it be donuts?

That makes these pens hard to get an more valuable for the collection. :slight_smile:

Rick - I guess so :frowning:

It only takes a few minutes to post a review and makes a big difference! (the reviews don’t have to be long - just your honest opinion!)

Donuts makes you fatter, avoid it.

Ok Dany, you’ve got me … . . .

Done, can’t wait to get the Xojo pen. Thanks Dana.


Personally, I don’t like the idea of putting a long block of code on a mug or t-shirt. But something short and easy for anybody to understand would be cool. Meaning that the code is so easy to understand that non-coders can work it out.

Message Dana. She is giving out free pens. I sent her a PM with my address and she replied saying she would send it today.

That’s why I suggested refill() on the inside bottom, but Rick shot that down pretty fast.

He also ignored my request for hot chocolate and biscuit dunking options!

T-shirt: Never. It must have visual impact in a glimpse, big letters, small text, or soon some girl will say something like"Yes, they are real, and my boyfriend is coming"

Mug: Avoid the excess, but it’s a different media that allow more text depending on the target audience. It’s an object which can attract attention and curiosity. Some people will stop to read it trying to understand.

As Bob said, it’s open source, add your code. :slight_smile:

I’m too lazy - you do it :slight_smile:

I’m busy, desirin typ les. :slight_smile:

desirin typ les???

Ye, desi ty le.

link text

One of these should fit just about anything - the big brown one is a trick to drink out of
Yes, thats a 2 liter bottle of soda in the background just for scale :slight_smile: