Compiler now optimizes code up to 3X faster for better performance on iOS and 64-bit web/desktop

Hi Guys,
the release notes says “Compiler now optimizes code up to 3X faster for better performance on iOS and 64-bit web/desktop”

has anyone noticed any difference?
If anyone has any experience with windows / 64 bit / stand alone web apps in particular it would be great to know.


This is what they say: the compiler is up to three times faster in optimizing code during the compiling process.
This is what they wanted to say: the resulting compiled app is running up to three times faster.

[quote=227917:@Eli Ott]This is what they say: the compiler is up to three times faster in optimizing code during the compiling process.
This is what they wanted to say: the resulting compiled app is running up to three times faster.[/quote]

Not sure they mean execution time. During beta, there was a huge improvement in 64 bit compilation time due to optimization of the compiler. That will become critical if/when the Run option will be enabled. Who wants to hit run and wait several minutes for the app to start ?

That said, execution time in 64 bit is much faster than 32 bit for some operation. Three times is a realistic figure or some benchmarks.