I have been racking my brains on this problem for a few hours. I have a class to manage my iOS app settings. The class loads, saves and manages the access to number of settings. I added the ability to register notification subscribers to handle changes to settings. I’ve had issues with creating a arrays of delegates to I am using an array of pointers and then creating the delegate on the fly (see below) using the pointer. When I try and compile this I get a strange compiler error. Just a reference to the line but no description.
Delegate Sub SettingUpdateNotificationDelegate(settingName as Text)
Private Sub NotifySettingChangeSubscribers(settingField as Text)
for each p as Ptr in changeSubscribers
if ( p <> nil ) then
Var subscriber as new SettingUpdateNotificationDelegate§
end if
next p
End Sub
Not sure if this DropBox link with work but this is a screen shot of the compiler error. Has anyone else experienced this with 2019R2?