First: a simple explanation about how I use this ComboBox
I have a simple window that deals with a bunch (less than 20) Caritative Association (display Name, Address, Phone, eMail and Boss).
I choosed to place the Caritative Association name in a ComboBox vs a PopupMenu because I feel it is better for adding / changing the Caritative Association name (+ other Properties), later (in case or error or any other error).
I have a bunch of buttons to Delete, Modify or / and Add a New Record (Caritative Association).
I stored the Record nique ID in the ComboBox RowTag.
In the Modify button, I take the ComboBoxs Selected Row # to take back the UniqueID (for obvious reasons).
But, ListIndex is always-1.
My feeling is that information (ListIndex) is set to -1 when the user change the Text property contents.
Were you in this case ? If so, what was your strategy to get the original ListIndex value ?
This also goes to Delete (but I do not care about Add a Record: no Unique ID needed).
No, I was not. But I would expect it to be -1 because as soon as I change the content, it’s no longer an item of the “stored” items.
I would store the selected RowTag somewhere else and reuse it when the modify Button is doing it’s thing.
Edit: Im not really awake. I forgot to THANK you Sascha for your help.
That is my conclusion
I woke up earlier this night and was thinking: Why mimick the Listbox Control ? Because it is possible ? But if this does not works as I intended, I have to use a Workaround.
In a subsequent woke up, I think: Emile: add a Read/Only TextField, populate it at the time you populate the other fields and use it at Delete or Modify (Update) time !
I will try that idea in an hour when I will be at my local McDonalds ;).
In the same woke-up session, the words of an old George Harrison (The Beatles) comes to mind: Taxman. Pastiche:
When you want to do something [Chorus: Xojos Work-around !]
When you want to do something else [Chorus: Xojos Work-around !]
I hope your face now wears a small smile and
Remember: Smile is only one letter away from Emile
I was not fully awaken (in my previous text, above).
Now I understand why I was astounished by the ComboBox strange behavior. It was easier (and Listbox looking programmation) to follow that path.
As I wrote above, at ComboBox Selection of an entry time, I set the Unique ID in a ReadOnly TextField and will use it to Modify or Delete the displayed Record. I already wrote the load and display part and it worked fine